
The research behind Ion Biotechnology® includes a family of therapeutic applications using free ions in a coordinated bond of patent-pending formulations.

A Ligand Bond of Cationic Minerals and Ionic Salts

A short explanation of a very technical formula having multiple modes of action. We use a unique delivery system that moves cations, such as Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Amine, Sulfur, and Hydrogen through the epidermal layers across semi-permeable membranes very quickly to immediately be absorbed by diseased or healthy tissues at very low concentrations.
The Krebs cycle is a charting of the metabolic pathways that healthy plant or animal cells must follow to perform all functions supporting life. There are approximately thirty-two (32) steps in the process. The steps allow healthy cells to expel excessive amounts of toxic materials continuously, including minerals and other nutrients unless totally overwhelmed.
Diseased and/or mutated cells (such as cancer cells) do not follow the Krebs cycle. Rather, they follow an alternative anaerobic metabolic pathway with only about eighteen (18) steps and absorb all foods (particularly sugars). The diseased cells will also take up excessive amounts of minerals such as Zinc and Copper (in our formulation) in amounts that are toxic to them, causing the diseased cells to die. The surrounding healthy tissues (following the Krebs cycle’s 32 steps) take up only the amounts of cations needed to function and excrete the excess nutrients.
Following the Krebs 32 steps versus the 18 steps that most anaerobic cells and other diseases follow saves normal healthy tissue while killing the diseased cells.

Additional ions can be added to the ligand system such as the Magnesium cation which provides ATP (energy) to regulate cellular metabolism, pain relief, and detox benefits towards normal mitochondrial production.
In summary, we are able to transport our highly available cations to our target diseased cells (including cancer cells) and kill ONLY the diseased and/or mutated cells, leaving the healthy normal cells surrounding them functioning without disruption.

Further, a sheath of bacterial cells (also non-Krebs cycle) or biofilm often surrounds a mass of mutated cells.

The highly bio-available cations will penetrate and kill the bacterial cells in this shield. The mass of mutated cells are then exposed to the immune system, destroyed, and removed.
We have developed several theories towards the formulas “Modes of Actions” which require additional study.

Several scientifically validated and many already published on specific components of the formula.
MoA 1 – A nontoxic nutrient uptake to the aerobic cell and a toxic overload to the anaerobic cell.
MoA 2 – Redox potential at a minimum of 450 Mv. reducing radical electrons and oxidation (inflammation)
MoA 3 – Antioxidant ORAC value of 1026 microM TE (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)
MoA 4 – Highly systemic pH of under 1 having ionic polarity movement in living species.
MoA 5 – Topical permeability dispersed through interstitial fluids and absorbed at the cellular level.
MoA 6 – Precursor to the production of the enzymatic version of Zn +2 Cu +2 Superoxide Dismutase.
MoA 7 – Increases the metabolic pathway of apoptosis and normal cell signaling.
MoA 8 – Mimicking reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and reactive sulfur species.
The Reactive Species Interactome – Evolutionary Emergence, Biological Significance, and Opportunities for Redox Metabolomics and Personalized Medicine
For years our partners, academia, and scientists have been researching various ways to combat disease with the therapeutic discoveries of IBAL. Using in-vitro, in-vivo, and preclinical studies, IAG has established the following development areas based on known MoA’s, ionic combinations, analytical evaluations, and the results of each:
Human Diseases
Autoimmune Diseases
Lyme Disease
Redox Biology
Animal Diseases
Swine Flu Virus
Redox Biology

Prevention of Oxidative Stress

Oxygen Free Radicals
In all living organisms, including humans, takes place a delicate equilibrium between the production and the elimination – by antioxidant defense system – of the so-called “free radicals”. The breaking of this balance, frequently named “oxidative stress”, may induce cellular damage with differencing degrees of severity, leading ultimately, over time, to early aging and to many diseases.
IAG has created a topical product using Ion Biotechnology® to reduce oxidative stress. The reduction of oxidative stress by definition is “prevention”.
Research across the globe has determined that oxidative stress is the precursor for many diseases.
Oxidative stress is a pathological condition triggered by the damaging action on the cells and tissues of the body, caused by abnormally increased amounts of free radicals. Free radicals are single or grouped atoms having at least one external orbital “occupied” by one single electron “unpaired” instead of a couple of electrons “lone pair”.
IAG has established proof of concept through several independent preclinical trials. As a preventative therapy, a third-party study design under development for human trials will measure the current levels of oxidative stress in the study subject’s blood.
The Carratelli’s pannel for oxidative stress assessment uses reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs test) and the plasma antioxidant barrier (BAP test). This test will be taken before the application of the product and after different timeliness and amounts of application to determine the reduced levels of oxidative stress.




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